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Writer's pictureAmanda Myftarago

Ghost Customers: How to Re-Engage Leads That Have Gone Cold

We’ve all been there—one day, a lead seems super interested in your business, and the next, poof, they vanish without a trace. We call them "ghost customers"—leads that showed initial interest but have gone silent since. But fear not! With the right strategies, you can bring these leads back to life and turn them into loyal customers.

Here are some proven techniques to re-engage those ghost customers and keep your business thriving:

1. Reanimate with a Personal Touch

Personalization is key to breathing life back into ghost customers. Go beyond generic messages and show you remember them. Use their name, reference your last interaction, or mention any specific needs they mentioned. A personalized email or message can remind them why they showed interest in the first place.

Example: "Hi [Customer Name], we remember you were interested in [Product/Service] a little while back. We’ve recently added some new features we think you'll love! If you have any questions, we’re here to help."

Pro Tip: Use email segmentation to target ghost customers based on their interests or previous interactions. That way, your message is relevant and engaging.

2. Offer a Spooktacular Incentive to re-engage leads

Sometimes, all it takes is a little nudge to bring ghost customers back. Offering a limited-time discount, free trial, or exclusive content can entice them to re-engage. Make it clear that the offer is just for them, and add an element of urgency to encourage action.

Example: "Hey [Customer Name]! We’ve got a special treat just for you. Get 20% off on [Product/Service] when you come back this week. Don’t let this offer disappear!"

Pro Tip: Use urgency wisely—phrases like "limited-time offer" or "expires soon" can push them to take action without feeling pressured.

re-engage leads

3. Check-In Without Being Creepy

It’s important to show you care, but nobody wants to feel stalked. A simple check-in email or message that genuinely asks how they’re doing and if they need any assistance can work wonders. Be friendly, casual, and non-intrusive. Sometimes, ghost customers simply forgot, and your reminder might just bring them back.

Example: "Hi [Customer Name], we hope you’re doing well! Just wanted to check in and see if you had any questions or if there’s anything we can help you with. We’d love to hear from you!"

Pro Tip: Keep it light and avoid sounding salesy. The goal here is to remind them that you’re here to help, not to push a sale.

4. Share Valuable Content to Stir Up Interest

Sending informative and engaging content can rekindle interest in your ghost customers. Share a blog post, a how-to guide, or a case study that aligns with their needs. Show them you’re still adding value, even if they haven’t been actively engaging with you.

Example: "Hi [Customer Name]! We thought you’d enjoy our latest blog post, '[Topic Related to Their Interests].' Check it out and let us know what you think!"

Pro Tip: Position yourself as a helpful resource rather than a business trying to make a sale. When ghost customers see that you’re providing value, they’ll be more likely to re-engage.

Bringing Ghost Customers Back to Life

Re-engaging ghost customers requires a blend of personalization, value, and patience. Some leads may need more time, and that’s okay. The key is to stay on their radar in a way that feels natural and helpful. By consistently adding value, being approachable, and offering incentives when appropriate, you can win back ghost customers and strengthen your relationship with them.

The journey doesn’t end here—keep experimenting with different tactics, and remember that ghost customers are still potential customers. With a little creativity and persistence, you can bring them back from the shadows and keep your business growing.

Are ghost customers haunting your business? Don’t let them spook you. Give these re-engagement tips a try, and watch as those long-lost leads come back to life!


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